I want to introduce this book today. This story' leading role name is Corduroy. Corduroy seems to be the doll of the bear. Corduroy live with Lisa. Lisa is student. One day, she sprinkles the seed of the bean. She must go to the school. So I have an important job for you. She said. She wants Corduroy to watch the beans. Ask Lisa. Therefore Corduroy got right to work. Corduroy looked garden all the time. The dog of the name to call Pappy entered the garden. Then Corduroy fell sound asleep. So first time Corduroy did not notice Pappy. When dirt hit the window, Corduroy woke up and looked out the window and notice Pappy. Corduroy appeared in the garden to protect the seed of the bean. Corduroy started it outside a garden. Corduroy continued protecting a garden. And Lisa got back home. She went to the garden immediately and watched a bean. Wonderful green pepper grew there.
I think that Corduroy is very tender and Corduroy has a sense of responsibility. Corduroy has sense of justice again. I think. I want to be a like Corduroy. I think, too.
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